Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Emma's trip to St. Petersburg....

Emma's dad, Casey went to St. Pete to visit his family for his step-mom, Lori's b-day...They had a great visit, and I am so glad for that. She got to see her Great-Grandpa Voigt, who is dear to my heart. I feel that grandparents have such an impact in our lives, so it is very important to me, that any time my children can get with them, is of a value to them. Casey's Step-mom, Lori and I have a great relationship. I must say that even though you split with a significant other, you don't split with their family members. I miss and love his family dearly. Emma was telling me a story about Lori that touched my heart in an amazing way. They were at the store and they passed a homeless man asking for money. Lori had no cash on her and told him no, and she was sorry. As, she got back to her car, she found a dollar and she and Emma walked back over to give it to him. He said "God Bless you" and they were 0n their way. Now, knowing Lori, she probaby didn't realize what a profound impact she had on Emma with this, but it did. See, many don't know, but Emma is very passoinate about her feelings of homeless people. She cares more than the average 8 year old does. I always say she is an "old soul". She is constantly wanting to go through her stuff and help children out who have less than her. Everytime we pass someone with a sign, she becomes sad that our world has cruel parts to it. So, I know all the granparents in my kids life are amazing and teach them stuff every day, but I felt this was a great example of the little things we unknowingly teach children. So, thank you Lori, I appreciate all you do. Now, here are a few pictures of Emma's trip, her new puppy Lucy, and her fat pig, Wilbur.

1 comment:

  1. What a great story! I am guessing Emma took these pictures? Just like her Mama!
