Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tony and I.....

So, this one is a little personal, but hey, I am going to put it out there anyhow. I could never say enough good things about Tony. I guess when you finally find "the one", things just fall into place. I know for those of you who didn't know me well, you may not understand enough to know I didn't have a lot of faith in love or relationships. I didn't let people in and always tried to keep them at a distance. If they got too close, I pulled away. But, Tony was different. He was such a good friend of mine for two years, and maybe that is why it worked. We saw each other at our worst, and our most difficult times. I remember one day up at the retaurant Maya ran to him, and hugged him, and in that moment, I saw him in a different light. Our first date, I spent with so many butterflies in my stomach, and still literally get them to this day!!!! He is so amazing to me. We never fight, we never get bored, the conversation always flows so easily, and he makes me laugh. I really feel in my heart he is my soul mate....Now, that is something I never thought I would say before...

I wrote this in October of 2007, before we were pregnant with Ava, and I want to share it with you all.

"Simply Put"

Timing is everything, so they say.
It proved beyond truthful when it came to us.

You walked into my life in the most perfect moment,
and since that day, I am forever changed.

Everything I have ever wanted in a man, you convey.

An incredible sense of who you are.
A parent your kids are blessed to have.
Truthful eyes.
And the man who when he kisses me, leaves butterflies in my stomach.

And with all of that, you have become my best friend.

You make me laugh and smile all the time.
You are everything I wanted the girls to see and know.

You have taught me to trust in someone, and to give love a chance.

You have given me more than you will ever comprehend, and I know there is always more to come.

I feel like I have finally found that person, that I am not walking away from.

I have never looked at anyone and said "You are the one"
and each time I look into your beautiful green eyes, that is what my heart is thinking.

I love that in the perfect moment in our lives, this door opened up.
I love that we were friends for two years first, and built on that.
I love that all our friends are rooting for us, and believing in us...(Thanks to all of you by the way).
I love that Emma and Maya can't wait for you to walk through that door.
I love the flowers I get once and twice a week.
I love the fact that we see eye to eye on everything from music, movies, family values, our sarcasm, and most of all how we want to live our lives.

I could go on and on about all that I feel for you, and all the wonderful things you are.
I could tell you how I know one day I will be your wife. I know there is always more I could say, but thank you is at the top of my list. Thank you for walking into our door at the most perfect time.

With so much more to say,

It's better simply put,
I love you.

Thank you to everyone for being a part of this...I guess all I can say is I am one happy lady!!!!

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